Treatment options

„Though it may not feel like it at the time, every crisis holds potential for personal growth“

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

Use a crisis as a chance for change

Psychodynamic psychotherapy builds on the ideas of psychoanalysis. The patient and the therapist discuss ongoing problems during therapy. Unlike in psychoanalysis, this typically takes place while seated. During therapy, special attention is paid to subconscious processes, resistance, and the relationship between the therapist and the patient. Early childhood experiences and their potential long-term effects are also addressed, without ever losing sight of the now. Whenever early memories and experiences are discussed, this is always for the purpose of making changes in the patient’s current situation. Therapy sessions usually happen once a week.


my basic attitude

Beginning therapy often involves taking the pains to open oneself and become vulnerable. It is not uncommon for patients to experience fear before doing so. For this reason, it is very important to me that patients feel that they are treated with consideration and respect. To this end, I remain open to all ways of life, including all professional, political, and personal choices. You may be certain that I will not judge or evaluate you. Should you feel hurt or uncomfortable during a session with me, I kindly ask you to bring this to my attention, so that I can learn from the experience and so that we can find a way to advance the therapy in a successful direction.


I am a psychologist and psychotherapist licensed to perform psychodynamic psychotherapy with adults, children and teenagers. Sessions can be offered in English or Italian language. Costs are covered by public health insurance.
For this reason, my treatment options are especially numerous:

Mental Health Issues

depression, anxiety, compulsions, eating disorders, aggression, sexual dysfunctions, sleep disorders, psychosomatic illnesses, addiction


recurring patterns, frequent conflicts, separation, lovesickness, difficulty forming relationships, loneliness


bereavement counselling, decision making, career changes


mental disorders, relationship problems, managing crises

Children and Youth

all ages, developmental disorders, emotional problems, school problems, sleep disorders, sexual abuse, regulation disorders in infants

Trans*  and non-binary Persons

referral letters  for hormonal therapy,  therapeutic support during the transition process according to the guidelines of MDK, support in case of wish to detransition,
trans respectful psychotherapy

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